'; print_r($str); echo ''; } /*****************************************************************/ /******************** form is submitted ***************************/ if ($_POST['action'] == 'process'){ // validate required fields $missing = array(); // missing vals $err = array(); // merge all errs for display $aReq = explode(",",$_POST['areq']); foreach ($aReq as $r){ if (!$_POST[$r]){ $missing[] = ucfirst(str_replace("_"," ",$r )) . ' is required.'; } } if ($_POST['email'] && !isValidEmail($_POST['email']) ){ $err[] = 'Email is incorrectly formed.'; } // clean for email injection foreach( $_POST as $value ){ if( is_array($value) === false && strpos($value,'Content-Type:') !== FALSE ){ $spam = true; } } // get all errors and put them in one clean var for output $allErr = array_merge($missing,$err); $message = @implode('
',$allErr); // send email if (!$spam && !$message){ $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"; $headers .= "From: ".$_POST['email'] ." \r\n"; $body = date('F j, Y h:i:s A'). '
' .chr(10); $body .= 'The following form has been submitted.

' .chr(10).chr(10); foreach ($_POST as $FormFieldName=>$FormFieldValue) { // dont send theses $skipArr = array ('action','areq','submit'); if (is_array($_POST[$FormFieldName])){ $FormFieldValue = @implode("
",str_replace("_"," ",$FormFieldValue)); } if (in_array($FormFieldName,$skipArr) === false){ if ($FormFieldValue) { $body .= ucwords(str_replace("_"," ",$FormFieldName)) . ': ' . $FormFieldValue. '
' .chr(10); } } } mail($to,$subject, $body, $headers); if ($cc){ // send a copy to.... mail($cc,$subject, $body, $headers); } $message = 'Thank you for your submission'; $success = true; } // end send mail } // end if process David Gaffney - Realtor


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                           - CONTACT DAVE -                             icons CRS
Dave Gaffney - Licensed in Missouri - CoMo Realty
(573)443-6736 - Fax: 443-8188 - Email: thebetteragent.net
Contents© 2010 David Gaffney
Gaffney & Associates